Claire Maumo

Claire Maumo


Expert in

personal finance, wealth creation, contemporary assets like NFTs, forex trading, cryptocurrency markets


TradingGuide’s personal finance writer, Claire Maumo holds a B.A. in Business Management and a Master’s in Finance. She has extensive experience in wealth creation and financial management, but writing has been her first love. She discovered this ability when she began sharing her research on how trading can help people achieve financial freedom. This move catapulted her passion for empowering others through knowledge sharing. Her articles have appeared on platforms like The Associated Press, Essence, Yahoo, and The Washington Post. Today, she continues to help our readers on their journey toward financial independence.

As a contributor to TradingGuide, Claire discerns trading concepts, weaving easy-to-understand yet insightful and practical articles. Her pieces seamlessly combine expert analysis with actionable advice. With her deep understanding of global market dynamics, Claire instils the needed confidence in her readers, empowering them on their financial journeys.

Follow Claire’s work and learn about NFTs and how you can own and trade digital and other contemporary assets. You’ll gain valuable insights and actionable tips while enjoying her incisive and engaging pieces. Her specialities include Digital assets like NFTs, trading strategies, market trends, and tools to enhance trading performance.