Thadeus Geodfrey

Thadeus Geodfrey


Expert in

online trading of stocks, cryptos, forex, CFDs, and spread betting


With a blend of finance and journalism education, Thadeus would have easily beaten Richard Quest for international business correspondent and anchor roles. Instead, he decided to become a professional pathfinder! His financial and stock market pieces at TradingGuide since 2019 have made him a reputation in the field. He now earns full-time from trading and sharing his expertise through our platform as a content manager and editor!

Thadeus is in charge of our content production and marketing strategy. His roles include coordinating and managing our team of writers to ensure that the content they deliver is coherent, inspiring, engaging, and consistently aligned with our brand voice and guidelines.

Since his writings are informative, engaging, succinct, and exciting, he expects no less from the team.

Effectively managing and leading these content specialists means Thadeus has to care more about the reader’s needs. As the brand voice ambassador for the wider content team, he leads from the front. He doesn’t preach water and drink wine, thus advocating for experience-based pieces. That’s partly why our content team are experienced online traders of stocks, cryptos, forex, CFDs, and spread betting.

However, his journey has been challenging. Like most traders, he made mistakes and paid heavily for them. But the knowledge that stemmed from that experience helped shape and improve his trading strategies and future trades. He shares that knowledge here with his magic touch of flair through financial and trading guides and blogs he edits.

Like Robert Kiyosaki, he believes in financial literacy, which encompasses learning how to invest wisely and safely. Therefore, he uses a Filter Test to ensure that the pieces that pass through his desk are coherent, informative, relatable, and fact-checked!

When he forgets about work, he is a father, husband and an ardent Manchester United fan. Get in touch with him to learn more!